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3rd Feb Monthly meeting – Balancing Life and Legacy – Richard Brewer

An informative and light hearted view of all estate planning, including updates after the October 2024 Budget.

Monthly meetings  are held in the Richard Mayo Centre in Central Kingston.  There is a charge of £1.00 foe members and £1.50 for guests.

Doors oepn at 1.30 and the talks begin at 2.00 –  followed by tea/coffee and biscuits.


2nd Dec Monthly Meeting – Great Ormond Street Hospital – Alan Doig

Alan Doig Alan is an ambassador for Great Ormond Street Children’s Hospital Charity. His talk describes the past and present role of the hospital, one of the top three children’s hospitals in the world.

Alongside our usual offering of tea and biscuits there will be mince pies as a Christmas Celebration!

Door open as usual at 1.30 for a 2.00 pm start charge £1.00 for members

3rd March Monthly Meeting -Where’s the make-up lady?

A talk by Rosemarie Swinfiield.

Monthly meetings  are held in the Richard Mayo Centre in Central Kingston.  There is a charge of £1.00 foe members and £1.50 for guests.

Doors oepn at 1.30 and the talks begin at 2.00 –  followed by tea/coffee and biscuits.