Kingston U3A
Welcome to Kingston U3A
Prospective members: Welcome to Kingston U3A! If you have recently retired, or are coming up to that exciting third age phase of your life, there is so much to do! We have an extensive range of groups you can join, covering everything from literature through arts, music, walks, discussions, dancing and table tennis to games, languages and science. There are regular monthly meetings with an interesting talk, introductory get-togethers for new members and a chance to meet people and make new friends. There is a wide monthly programme of visits to places of interest and a holiday, abroad or in the UK, every year. This website will give you a lot of information about all of these and many other activities. Please browse and let us know if you would like to join us.
Existing members please make regular visits to this website as we will be posting up-to-date information as it becomes available.
To find out more of the U3A s history please follow the link :- U3A History
Kingston U3A Records Archive
There is a small but growing collection of Kingston u3a archival material. This has been deposited with Kingston Heritage Service, and is available on request for consultation at Kingston History Centre. It is stored off-site and you need to give about two weeks’ notice of items you would like to see. Please click on the link below for more about Kingston History Centre.
Current Archive Collection – Listing
The Catalogue is listed in two file versions as some members have had problems seeing the excel version.
excel version
pdf version
Please email Jacqui Humphreys for more information or if you think you have any suitable material to add to the collection.
Nomination form to stand for Kingston U3A Committee
Kingston Constitution Update 2021
Kingston U3A Data Protection Policy
Kingston U3A Data Protection Policy 2018-06-15v4
Principles of the U3A Movement
Principles of the U3A Movement
Terms and Conditions of Membership
Kingston U3A-Membership T&C 2018-19v1
Third Age Trust – National U3A Body – Research Participation Advice
We are often asked to publicise research studies and trials to our members. Where we do so it is because we believe it may be of interest to you and we are not endorsing or promoting the research study in any way. U3A has not undertaken any checks or due diligence on the relevant department or the study and accepts no liability whatsoever if you decide to agree to participate. If you choose to take part in any study, you do so at your own risk and in your own capacity (and not as member of U3A). You should make sure that you understand all the risks associated with any study before you sign up and ensure that you understand the time commitment, any restrictions and possible side effects. You should also ensure that you will be insured as part of the study.
Incident Report Form – for U3A related activity were an insurance claim might be incurred.