This year there will be 3 methods of distributing Membership Cards: 1. Fill in the enclosed green renewal form and send with a cheque and small self-seal stamped addressed envelope to Jane Hoyland this week. 2. Or fill in the form and bring to a Monthly Meeting with a cheque, preferably on Monday 7 September or 5 October, rather than leaving until later. 3. As a new experiment, if you have already set up a Standing Order to pay on 1 October, we are sending your card with this Autumn Newsletter. These 60 people will not need to complete a renewal form. If your details have changed (e.g. address or Gift Aid status) please let Linda Foreman know.
People who wish to join the Standing Order scheme for the first time this year should arrange this with their banks for 1 October, then fill in the renewal form and send it to Jane Hoyland with an s.a.e. or bring it to a Monthly Meeting as above. We will adjust the records for next year to save you time and postage.
We send this Autumn Newsletter in print to everyone, whether or not they usually have communications by email only.