We successfully held our first 3 online monthly meeting beginning oin August. Musician Sophie Matthews gave an excellent talk on the development of the bagpipes and the oboe both in folk tradition and at court. She played a collection of folk, Renaissance and baroque pieces on her own pipes and oboes and illustrated their development through contemporary paintings and drawings.
The next online meeting via Zoom was on Monday, 7 September (details below). We will send out invitations to all those members for whom we have email addresses. Up to 100 people can participate in an online meeting. The speakers below have all agreed to give their talks on Zoom.
Our third talk on Forensic DNA kept up the standard of our other talks and generated a large number of questions. On each occasion we have almost reached our 100 audience limit our last meeting getting to 94 with the other two coming very close.
Monday, 7 September, 2pm
Colin Wiggins: Francis Bacon, Lucian Freud, Frank Auerbach, Leon Kossoff and the Story of the School of London
Monday, 5 October, 2pm
Kerri Allen: DNA Profiling as Forensic Evidence – Past, Present and Future (PLEASE NOTE THIS IS A CHANGE FROM THE MEETING ANNOUNCED IN THE NEWSLETTER)
Monday, 2 November
1.30pm AGM
2pm Carol Harris: Stella Reading and Women’s Voluntary Services
For this meeting, we can have 500 members join online for both the AGM and the talk.
Monday, 7 December, 2pm
Mark Lewis: Cribs, Cards and Christingles