Tuesday,February 21st 10.30 – 3.30
Speakers have been invited from Ely’s, John Lewis, Bentalls and
Tudor Williams. There will be a display and a report from a Shared Learning Project looking at the same topic, with historical pictures and records of memo- ries of our areas.
Venue; Richard Mayo Hall, United Re- formed Church, Eden Street, Kingston upon Thames.
Cost £8: includes tea, coffee and biscuits on arrival and free fin- ger food light
buffet lunch !
Send your cheque, for £8, made payable to Richmond U3A and say which U3A you are in, plus your name and email
to: Jen Cobb,
286 Merton Rd, SW18 5JN You must enclose a s.a.e for confirmation if no email ad- dress!
Tea, coffee and biscuits on arrival for registration from 10.30 t0 11am. Session starts 11 a.m and finishes 3.30p.m.
Please cut out the form below and send it to the address above .
I would like to attend the study Day on February 21st. I am enclosing a cheque for £8 payable to Richmond U3A. My U3A is…………………………………………..
My name is……………………………………………………………………………………………………. My dietary requirements are……………………………………………………………………………. My phone number is………………………………………………………………………………………. My email is…………………………………………………….Or I am enclosing a SAE.