Kingston U3A will be celebrating its silver jubilee, or twenty fifth anniversary, in 2016 and we will be marking the achievement in various ways.
A small subcommittee has been set up and is open to suggestions. Please send them to Richard Hawkins and think how any groups you are in can mark this. We are thinking initially of a tea party, a posh lunch, a boat trip, a walk round Richmond Park, possibly planting a silver birch somewhere in the borough.
We plan an Autumn Fair, open to the public, showcasing the work of all the groups. Book groups could plan a display of colourful covers of books they have read, with discussion questions attached, poetry groups could offer readings throughout the day, art and craft groups can show their work, singing and dancing groups could perform. Bridge, Scrabble and Mah Jong groups can demonstrate their skills, theatre groups could offer a display of programmes of shows they have attended. We ought to show the range of outings and holidays we organise.
Think silver, think twenty five! Get planning!