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Monthly Archives: March 2020

Mar 24

Keep in Touch – Online and Video Conferencing Possibilities

With so many of us in lock down we are looking to find ways to keep as many groups as possible finding other ways to meet.  Wine Appreciation are one of the leaders here transferring their meetings onto Skype. Pilates used Zoom video conferencing today, Women in History, Art Group 5 and Science and Philosophy are experimenting with  Zoom for their future meetings.

Please let us know if you are using any other ways of keeping in touch.



Mar 11

Corona Virus – Update and Cancellations

The next three monthly meetings i.e. April, May and June have been cancelled, we will update you on the fate of July nearer the time.

All national and other area meetings have been cancelled  over the same period.
Several members have asked if we have a policy on groups meeting up as regards the spread of the corona virus.

Our advice at the moment is that, until there are any specific restrictions from the government, we continue as normal, although we recognise that meetings are held at the discretion of group leaders and the members themselves.

Obviously, if you are feeling unwell and have flu-like symptoms, then please stay at home so that we minimise the risk of spreading any infection to others.

We will contact group leaders if there is any change in this.