Study Day at The Menuhin Hall, Stoke d’Abernon Speaker – Paul Atterbury
From the 1870s the British domestic house and its contents changed almost beyond recognition, reflecting the social and economic revolution that paved the way for the modern world of today. Many factors contributed to this change, from William Morris and the Arts and Crafts Movement, to the rise of the department store, suburban living, the garden and the emancipation of women. After the First World War, the pace of change increased, prompting rapid stylistic development, from 1920s and 1930s Art Deco to the modernism of the 1950s and 1960s and the style wars of the late 20th century. The first two talks consider architecture, interior and domestic design and the products that reflected the fashions of the time. In the process they show how the last 150 years have determined the way we live now.
Paul Atterbury has been involved all his life in the world of art and antiques, as a writer, historian, collector and exhibition curator. The two talks in the afternoon offer an insight into his life, his enthusiasms and his time as a member of BBC’s Antiques Roadshow team of experts.
9.30 Registration
10.00 The Arts and Crafts House and Garden
11.00 Coffee / Tea
11.30 At Home in the 20th Century
12.30 Lunch – Bring your own – Tea / Coffee available
1.30 Paul Atterbury’s Desert Island Antiques 2.30 Tea / Coffee
3.00 Life on the Antiques Roadshow
4.00 Departure
Speaker – Paul Atterbury is a writer, lecturer, historian, curator and broadcaster specialising in the art, architecture, design and social history of the 19th and 20th centuries. As a writer he has written or edited over 50 books, covering art, antiques and design, travel, canals and railways, history and the First World War. Paul has curated exhibitions for the Victoria & Albert Museum and for other institutions in Britain and the United States and he has worked on the Antiques Roadshow since 1990.
To book send the slip below, with a cheque for £10 (non-U3A guest £12) payable to ‘Surrey U3A Network’, or bank transfer to HSBC acct 11519018 40-27-07, ref ‘Event month(s)’ e.g, Feb, Mar, to John Kennedy – U3A, 20 Greville Park Road, Ashtead, KT21 2QT, Tel 01372 273561, e-mail
Enclose a SAE or e-mail address for confirmation. Fees are not normally refundable. Website, see the next page. ———————————————————– British Style Study Day See – Nut Allergy & Other Notes on page 2 15th May 2020
Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Post Code . . . . . . . . . . . Telephone. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E-mail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . See page 2 if you need disabled parking, tick , or a wheelchair space in the hall, tick
Please print Confirm by ticking E-mail or enclosed SAE Cheque or Bank Transfer
Title . . . . . .First Name . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Surname . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Name of U3A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The Menuhin Hall
Cobham Road, Stoke d’Abernon, KT11 3QQ Map ref: TQ 132 579 on Landranger 187, Explorer 146
Telephone 07763 805046 (emergency, on day only) or Menuhin Hall Office 08700 842020
There is a Garden Centre (01932 862530), about 800 metres to the north of the Menuhin Hall where light lunches are available. Reservations not required.
The Menuhin School was founded in 1963 in London and moved to its present site in 1964. It has about 80 pupils learning to play stringed instruments including piano and is financed, in part, by the DfES. Lord Menuhin was born in New York on 22nd April 1916 and died on 12th March 1999 in Berlin. His parents had come from Russia. His first public concert was in March 1924 and his first in Europe, in Paris, in 1927. His performance of Elgar’s Violin Concerto was recorded at the Abbey Road Studios in 1932. The Hall, designed by Mark Foley, was conceived as a memorial to Yehudi and was handed over to the school on 5th August 2005. The official opening was on 7th January 2006. Yehudi is buried near the stone pillar in front of the Hall. Nearby is an oak which he planted on his 80th birthday. The Hall was first used for U3A Study Days on 14th October 2005 when the Steinway grand piano was used as no other was available.
Surrey Network Website – has application forms for study days & other events plus information about the Surrey Network and links to Surrey U3A websites.
Nut Allergy. The Menuhin School has pupils who have an allergic reaction to nuts and the staff have taken the decision to make the school and the Menuhin Hall a nut free environment. Please ensure that your lunch does not contain any trace of nuts.
Disabled Parking. There are six spaces behind the hall, there are more in the main car park. If you have a blue badge and need level access to the hall then tick “Disabled parking” on the booking slip. You will then be allocated a space at the back of the hall if available and sent a permit. If you can manage from the main car park (i.e. you are able to manage some steps with handrails) then please do not tick “Disabled parking”. That will leave the back of the hall spaces for those that are very immobile.
There is a “drop off” space at the back of the hall where disabled who are not the driver can gain level access to the hall.
Wheelchair spaces. If you need a seat removed in the hall to accommodate a wheelchair then tick Wheelchair on the booking slip.