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Oct 22

6th Nov – Ataturk : Greatest Nation Builder of Modern Times – London Network/ Zoom Talk

November Monday 6 th 17.30-18.30 Log on from 17.00 Alan Freeland: Atatürk–The Greatest Nation Builder of Modern Times As first President of Turkey 1923-28, Atatürk transformed the decaying Ottoman Empire into the modern country of Turkey. In so doing he had to win a civil war and successfully take on the might of the victorious allies in the first world war. A democrat at heart but an autocrat by pragmatism, his approach was a role model for countries seeking to overthrow imperialism and has scary echoes in today’s leaders. He was also a world leader in enfranchisement of women and also in education. He is the only person to have a UNESCO Centenary year – Justified on the grounds that Ataturk was an eminent personality who worked for international understanding, co-operation, and peace and is as an example for future generations.

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