Jane Legate has now taken over the running of this group from Peter Molesey. The course is now full, but Jane is willing to run a second group from her home in Hampton Court. She is a professional photographer specialising in people and gardens, but will most subject areas.
“Photography is such a wonderful thing to learn about,” she says. “It helps you to look at the world in a different way and see beauty in unexpected things. The course caters for all levels of interest: you can either learn about all those weird camera settings or just keep it simple and concentrate on point and shoot!”
Jane can teach you:
§ digital photography
§ retouching and editing using Lightroom software and Portrait Professional
§ how to make a printed book using free Blurb software
§ retouching and editing using Lightroom software and Portrait Professional
§ how to make a printed book using free Blurb software
She has made a website for the course and you can see this at:
Please email her at jane.legate3@gmail.com if you’re interested, letting her know whether you have a compact or SLR camera and what you’re interested in photographing. Send a couple of your best pictures if you can.