1. Cirencester at the Royal Agricultural University is from the 18th to the 21st of August
At you can choose from the following topics:
Light and Sound in Nature;
The Transforming Language of Poetry;
Making Friends with the Great Composers;
Literature ,
Women’s Voices of WW1;
Making gardening more of a pleasure than a chore;
Acting Jacobean and 20th century plays;
Artistic recreation using Photoshop;
The Arts and Architecture of the Arts and Crafts movement;
Singing for Pleasure, in a variety of styles, some experience desirable.
Cost £285 for full board in en-suite accommodation with an initial deposit of £75 payable on booking. Download an application form from the website of the Third Age Trust, or phone National Office on 020 8466 6139 for hard copy by post.
2. Harper Adams University in Telford runs from the 14th to the 17th of July
Offers the following:
Recorder ensemble, for which some experience is needed;
Introduction to Philosophical Metaphysics;
A quick dip into the Latin language;
French life today;
Through the Ages of British drama;
Creative writing; 100 years of Hollywood cinema;
Political and Social studies in
Current Affairs;
Canal history;
Ancient Civilisations of the Americas.
Both Universities are in rural locations needing taxi rides from the nearest stations but with easy parking. There are some ground floor rooms, but lifts in the teaching areas. Members need to be able to participate independently. These are great opportunities to meet U3A-ers from other parts of the country and get stuck into a topic in depth. Only one course can be studied.
Cost £285 for full board in en-suite accommodation with an initial deposit of £75 payable on booking. Download an application form from the website of the Third Age Trust, or phone National Office on 020 8466 6139 for hard copy by post.
3.South-East Region Summer School at the University of Chichester The 24th to the 27th of July 2014. This is residential but can be attended as a non-resident
Charges are £320 residential full board en-suite, £290 residential standard, non-residential from £150 to £200 with or without evening meal.
Booking forms on the website u3asurreynetwork.
Courses include:
Singing for Pleasure;
Creative writing workshop;
Wool – The Ups and Downs of an Industry;
The Joy of Mathematics;
Jazz, Blues and Folk Music in the USA;
Play Reading for Pleasure;
A Memory workshop;
Mediaeval and Georgian Chichester;
Design and research a WW1 project;
the Basics of Life Drawing;
Women, Art and Society;
Great Houses and gardens of West Sussex;
The Psychology of Interpersonal Behaviour.
Again, only one topic can be chosen and early application for this, and the other, schools is recommended as they get booked up quite early.For further details and booking forms http://u3asites.org.uk/southeastform or contact Surrey Network phone 012 9377 1794 or email a.browne693@btinternet.com