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Apr 10

Research Study 1: Examining the Impact of a Museum Exhibition on the Visitor – Volunteers Wanted

Location: the Museum of London

Description: A team of cognitive psychologists from the University of Westminster, access specialists and Museum interpretation professionals are working together to explore different ways of presenting artworks. This project is grounded in the growing understanding that exploring the ways in which museum visitors ‘receive’ an exhibition or permanent display is crucial to the development of optimum museum provisions for all.

Participation: The study takes place at the Museum of London, where the Leaning Department have kindly provided dedicated space for the study to be run. Participants in the study will simply experience an ‘exhibition’ of photos from the Museum’s archives, and they will then be asked to complete a questionnaire about the experience (all carried out at the Museum of London). Participation in this first part would take approximately 30-60 minutes (including viewing the exhibition).

For part two, we simply ask you to fill out an online questionnaire, which would be emailed to you 1 month later, with some follow-up questions.

This study will provide important insight to museum professionals and curatorial staff about what helps to provide a positive experience in the Museum. Your participation will be invaluable in helping us to provide useful information to the sector.

How to take part: if you would like to take part (we can test up to two people at one time), please do contact me (Rachel) on: to book your session (current available dates below):


Friday 21st April: 11.00-17.00

Friday 28th April: 10.00-17.00

Friday 5th May: 10.00-17.00

Wednesday 10th May: 14.30-18.00

Wednesday 17th May: 14.30-18.00

Friday 19th May: 10.00-17.00

Wednesday 24th May: 14.30-18.00

Friday 26th May: 10.00-17.00


We need as many participants as possible, so please feel free to share this message with anyone you think might be interested in getting involved. If you would like to take part but the above dates are not convenient for you, then please email me and it might be possible to arrange an alternative day/time.




  1. Research Study: Museum Memories


Description: this study is exploring what makes for a memorable museum visit.

Location: Online – this study is a simple online questionnaire, which takes around 20 minutes to complete. You can click on the link below to access the study:

Rachel Hutchinson

Doctoral Researcher

University of Westminster

115 New Cavendish Street

London W1W 6UW