18 -21 JUNE 2018
The Summer School for 2018 will consist of 13 courses as listed below. The School runs from Monday afternoon until lunch-time on Thursday. There will be a short seminar late on Monday afternoon when you will meet your tutor and fellow students and then three morning seminars and two afternoon seminars.
Entertainment will be arranged for the three evenings including the choice of a theatre trip (extra charge) or a film, a quiz and a musical evening. There will also be a drinks reception.
Further details of the courses will be provided by your tutor nearer the date.
PLEASE BOOK EARLY TO AVOID DISAPPOINTMENT. Application forms can be accessed via
The Courses
Bridge Refresher Course
Tutor : Bryan Stephens
For bridge players with a minimum of six months play experience. CONTENT – Rule of 20, Roman Hands, Opener’s re-bid, Stayman, Transfers, Overcalling, Unusual No-trump, Michael’s Cue Bid, Fourth Suit Forcing, Opening 2/3/4/5 levels, 4 Doubles, Leads and Card play.
Culture & Rituals Tutor – Bernard Smale
An academic but informal examination of symbolic ceremonies designed to emphasise important social situations ranging from the mundane to the highly significant. They exist to unite individualsintosupportivegroupsandprovideareflectionofeachculturespriorities. Personal experiences will be welcome and help to inform our search. Possible areas to cover could include include rites of passage, lawful behaviour, sexual interactions, body adornments, medical examinations, witchcraft, musical concerts, birth and death rituals.
Knitting Tutor – Penny Ryan
Practical knitting plus the origins, development and the role of knitting today. Practical work will include lace knitting, cables, colour work and sampler bags. The course is suitable for anyone whoknowsthebasicknitstitchandhelpwillbegivenwithcastingon/off. Experiencedknitters will be given the opportunity to try something new.
Life Story Tutors – Bernard & Teresa Hall
This is an opportunity to join others making a start or moving your story closer to completion. There will also be an opportunity to reflect on life, its ups and downs, the “what if and the “what if not”, as well as the social history of bygone decades. The course will be structured for beginners and more experienced life story writers. Your work will be shared with others and you will give and receive constructive feedback. Working together enables progress; working alone can easily become, “I will do it one day”. Our aim is that by the end of the course all participants will have made a start, accumulated ideas about different ways of reaching the finishing line and possess both the means and the will to complete their story.
Mah Jong Tutor – Ann Barlow
The course is designed for beginners or those who have played once or twice and will be based on “Mah Jong: Game of Four Winds” (based on the British Mah Jong Association rules.) The aim is to learn the basics of the game and practice some special hands. A copy of “Materials for U3A Groups by Susan Fifer will be supplied for each table but is available from the National Office for £4. If you have a Mah Jong set, please bring it along as it is interesting to examine the differences in sets.
Music – “Jazz – The Sound of Surprise” Tutor – Mike Head
Jazz is possibly the only true American art form, and has evolved to produce an approach to music both fascinating and unique. We look at the development of jazz across much of the 20th century, through recordings of some of its most important performers. We hear great music from Louis Armstrong to Miles Davis, from Duke Ellington to Billy Holiday and many others from the world of Jazz. We look at its many styles and get an appreciation of its great musical variety – assisted by illustrations from Mike on piano. We also have the opportunity to see unique video of some of its greatest musicians. Suitable for anyone open to the wider world of music.
Maths – The Joy of Maths. Tutor – Roger Luther
This course will look at a variety of mathematical activities – both those which are used in applications, and those which are simply fascinating in themselves. We will be looking at how many friends you have, how maths and music relate, how to pack oranges efficiently, and the meaning of infinity. No specific maths knowledge is required, only a willingness to be open- minded and to think hard!!
Painting – Discovering Techniques in Water Colour Painting. Tutor – Janet Blight
This exciting course is aimed at keeping an open mind and breaking the rules of traditional watercolour painting. You will be experimenting with your paints using household and plant materials to produce unusual and amazing artwork. The course is not suitable for beginners.
Pagham, Parham and a Palace With Ann Wickenden & Isabel Baker
The two full days will be spent exploring both Pagham Harbour and Parham House, Gardens and surrounding Park. On the final morning there will be a choice of a visit to Fishbourne Roman Palace or a guided walk around Chichester.
Portrayal of People, Events & Nature Tutor – Margaret Nicholle Below Stairs: Servants in Portraits and Literature, Artists & Poets of the Great War, Nature in Art. Suitable for all participants. A variety of topics will allow maximum discussion
Psychology – A Sense of Well-being Tutor – Anne Dale
We will look at what constitutes a sense of well-being, what factors psychologists find contributes to it and some of the things that may get in the way. Suitable for all
Ukulele Tutor – Dawn Simpson
Suitable for inexperienced and experienced people. The course will include history, basic instructions, playing and singing together. No knowledge is required but those with a little knowledge will also fit in and benefit from being with other ukulele people. All sheet music and teaching notes will be provided but students will need paper and pen. Ukuleles will be needed (we are seeing if these can be borrowed) and a digital ukulele tuner (<£10). Please tell us if you will need a ukulele.
Walking With Roger Sugden
Using public transport, we do full day walks of 7/8 miles with picnic lunches on the Downs and the Coast near Chichester (different routes to 2017), and a shorter walk on the Thursday morning.
Contacts Helen Turner Isabel Baker
Arthur Browne
01622 817264 01293 618685 01293 771794